Terra de Ningú

[Lights] nobody

1  De-composed

© 2025 Miguel Ángel Varó Giner.

I dodn't like the composition, not even when I was taking the photo, but that beautiful light was ephemeral and I had to have it into the camera at any price. The photo has too much weight on its left side and the right side is dark and empty. Maybe if I had composed a little more to the right I would have had a triangle between the Sun, the stairs and the rock at the right border of the photo. I don't know, I cannot change it now. I upload it as it is, "de-composed". I hope you like it!

alba, amanecer, baix segura, cabo cervera, cap cerver, costa blanca, escaleras, escales, horitzontal, horizontal, país valencià, seascape, stairs, sunrise, torrevella, torrevieja